Management System

About Us facEthic provides smart technology solutions that help teachers simplify education management. With an integrated system featuring facial recognition-based attendance tracking and automated test generation, facEthic not only saves time but also enhances transparency and efficiency in teaching. Especially, no complicated equipment is needed—just a laptop, iPad, or smartphone, you can easily manage your classroom and create a modern educational environment!


Rea l-t ime

Aut oma ted

Acc ura te

Dig ita l

Eff ici ent

Sec ure

Sma rt

Mod ern


Man ual

Pap er

Err or

Out dat ed

Slo w

Uns afe

Com ple x

O u t d a t e d


  • 1 Transform attendance with smart facial recognition technology.
  • 2 Save time through automated tracking.
  • 3 Prevent proxy attendance with real-time monitoring.
  • 4 Access reports and manage grades without manual paperwork.
  • 5 Enhance classroom security while optimizing teaching time.

Go to the future

Vision To become the leading technology platform in the education sector, providing intelligent and modern solutions to optimize education management, enhance teaching effectiveness, and build a transparent, advanced, and sustainable learning environment for the future.